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Corruption is a complex phenomenon costing an estimated 5% of global GDP, according to the World

As monitoring and evaluation practices become more commonplace within organisations and project plans, it becomes even more important to capture the lessons we learn from the different mo


Our approach is built on understanding the organisation, its people and their work, and facilitating a collaborative process to assess the needs of an organisation and its capacity to absorb change.

In addition to providing longer-term support in change or organisational strengthening processes, ODS also supports clients with more specific issues pertaining to their organisation.

We support our clients throughout the development of multi-annual strategies for entire organisations or individual programmes. We do this through advice, facilitation of brainstorming sessions, workshops, and stakeholder consultations.

Understanding the context in which you work, gaining knowledge of other actors within that space and determining your unique contribution, are crucial to success. Intelligence gathering helps organisations to consolidate knowledge, plan partnerships and assess potential for advocacy.

Once a strategic plan is agreed, we can support its implementation by providing advice on management structures as well as the implementation of monitoring tools.

Anticipating the potential impacts of an intended activity, programme or policy can help implementers in the planning phases of projects to clarify ideas and tell a compelling story to prospective donors. Developing M&E frameworks early on can support programme implementation from Day 1 and m

Capturing the effects of activities during implementation. The information gathered during this process can guide, and revise implementation with the best available evidence.

Taking a retrospective look at an activity, programme or policy, and its outcomes and impacts. Ex-post evaluations build a context-specific story around activities with a beginning (baseline), middle (implementation) and end (outcomes and outputs).